
Project Life: Leaving My Heart Once Again!

Happy Monday Everyone! My second album of 2014 is done but the first one still has a few gaps. In these gaps I have my road trip to move to Texas. Today I am going back to east coast and this time we will live in Maryland. But as you can see from the dates in this layout we weren't here a whole year but, that's the military life so we are kinda used to it. At least I have friends waiting for me there! :) Here ends the whining... To the layout!
 In this spread I used pieces from the NEW Fancy Pants Designs Line Office Suite and I Am from Simple Stories.
 I love the InstaPlace App and I also like InstaWeather.
 The card on the left is a 3x4 horizontal and I placed it on a 4x4 piece of paper. The state die cuts are also from Office Suite and I am crazy about those.
 If you follow me on Instagram your probably know that I am obsessed with frames! Specially the ones from the I Am Collection from Simple Stories. On the next card I have the hotel key and a Freckled Fawn star paper clip.

The word and alpha stickers are from Simple Stories. The little geotag wood veneer is from Creative Retreat. 
 This doily die is from Taylored Expressions.
I hope you liked this layout!
Take Care!

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